Tables of compliance with GRI Standard [102-55]
Disclousure | Section | |
GRI 101. Foundation 2016 | ||
GRI 102. General Disclosures 2016 | ||
1. Organisation profile | ||
102-1. Name of the organisation | About the Company List of appendices | |
102-2. Activities, brands, products, and services | About the Company List of appendices | |
102-3. Location of headquarters | About the Company List of appendices | |
102-4. Location of operations | About the Company | |
102-5. Ownership and legal form | Authorised capital Report information | |
102-6. Markets served | Market Overview | |
102-7. Scale of the organisation | Report information Key figures Personnel policy | |
102-8. Information on employees and other workers | Personnel policy Personnel policy Personnel policy | |
102-9. Supply chain | Procurement activities | |
102-10. Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain | Report information | |
102-11. Precautionary Principle or approach | Environmental policy | |
102-12. External initiatives | Social policy Results of interaction with stakeholders | |
102-13. Membership of associations | Results of interaction with stakeholders | |
2. Strategy | ||
102-14. Statement from senior decision-maker | The Chairman of the Management Board — CEO’s Statement | |
102-15. Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | Risk registering | |
3. Ethic and integrity | ||
102-16. Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior | Corporate governance system | |
102-17. Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics | Business ethics and anti-corruption | |
4. Governance | ||
102-18. Governance structure | Corporate governance system | |
5. Stakeholder engagement | ||
102-40. List of stakeholder groups | Approach and mechanisms of interaction with stakeholders | |
102-41. Collective bargaining agreements | Social policy | |
102-42. Identifying and selecting stakeholders | Approach and mechanisms of interaction with stakeholders | |
102-43. Approach to stakeholder engagement | Approach and mechanisms of interaction with stakeholders | |
102-44. Key topics and concerns raised | Environmental policy | |
6. Reporting practice | ||
102-45. Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | Report information | |
102-46. Defining report content and topic Boundaries | Report information | |
102-47. List of material topics | Report information | |
102-48. Restatements of information | Report information | |
102-49. Changes in reporting | Report information | |
102-50. Reporting period | Report information | |
102-51. Date of most recent report | Report information | |
102-52. Reporting cycle | Report information | |
102-53. Contact information | Contacts | |
102-54. Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | Report information | |
102-55. GRI content index | Glossary and list of abbreviations | |
102-56. External assurance | Report information | |
Standard elements of electric utilities sector disclosures | ||
EU1. Installed capacity | Key figures | |
EU2. Net supply by primary energy source and by regulatory regime | Key figures | |
EU4. Length of overhead and underground transmission and distribution lines by regulatory regime | Key figures | |
Material topics | ||
Long-term Development Programme Realisation of RusHydro Group | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Key Performance Indicators | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Key Performance Indicators | |
Power development in the Far East | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Programme of modernization, technical rehabilitation and repairs | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Programme of modernization, technical rehabilitation and repairs | |
Investment attractiveness increase | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | The Company’s strategy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | The Company’s strategy | |
Investment policy and implementation of the investment programme, including the commissioning of new energy facilities and replacement of outgoing capacity | ||
GRI 203. Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Social policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Social policy | |
203-1. Infrastructure investments and services supported | Contributions to the development of regions of presence | |
203-2. Significant indirect economic impacts | Construction of production facilities | |
Sustainable development of electric power production, including the implementation of the Comprehensive modernisation Programme and the Technical Upgrading and Reconstruction Programme | ||
GRI 302. Energy 2016 | ||
103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Energy efficiency and energy saving | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Energy efficiency and energy saving | |
302-1. Energy consumption within the organisation | Construction of production facilities | |
302-3. Specific fuel consumption | Construction of production facilities | |
302-4. Reduction of energy consumption | Construction of production facilities | |
EU10. Planned capacity in comparison with the forecasted demand for electricity, broken down by energy sources and the regulatory regime | Key figures | |
Safety and reliability of hydro and thermal energy facilities | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Reliability and Safety of Generation Facilities | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Reliability and Safety of Generation Facilities | |
The system of prevention and liquidation of natural disasters and emergencies (including seasonal and extraordinary flooding, low water levels) | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Reliability and Safety of Generation Facilities | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Reliability and Safety of Generation Facilities | |
Increasing operational efficiency and financial sustainability | ||
GRI 201. Economic performance 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Financial Results | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Financial Results | |
201-1. Direct economic value generated and distributed | Financial Results | |
201-3. Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans | Social policy | |
201-4. Financial assistance received from government | Market Overview Construction of production facilities | |
Human resource development | ||
GRI 404. Training and Education 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Personnel policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Personnel policy | |
404-2. Programmes for upgrading employee skills and education | Personnel policy | |
404-3. Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | Personnel policy | |
Ensuring decent working conditions and respect for the rights of employees | ||
GRI 401. Employment 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Personnel policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Personnel policy | |
401-1. The total number of employees taken and dismissed in 2017, by age group, sex and region | Personnel policy | |
401-2. Benefits provided to full-time employees | Social policy | |
401-3. Parental leave | Social policy | |
GRI 405. Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Personnel policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Personnel policy | |
405-1. Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Personnel policy | |
GRI 407. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Social policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Social policy | |
407-1. Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk | Social policy | |
EU22. Number of people economically displaced and compensated, by type of project | Construction of production facilities | |
GRI 412. Evaluation of investment agreements for the observance of human rights 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Social policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Social policy | |
412-3. The total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include provisions relating to human rights issues or assessed from a human rights perspective | Social policy | |
Occupational safety and health at work | ||
GRI 403. Occupational Health and Safety 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Occupational Safety and Health | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Occupational Safety and Health | |
403-2. Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities | Occupational Safety and Health | |
403-3. Categories and number of employees at risk of occupational diseases | Occupational Safety and Health | |
403-4. Reflection of health and safety issues in formal agreements with trade unions | Occupational Safety and Health | |
Social and economic development of regions of presence | ||
GRI 202. Market Presence | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Social policy | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Social policy | |
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage in the significant regions of the Company's activities | Contributions to the development of regions of presence | |
Information openness and transparency Information unavailable: The RusHydro Group does not consolidate the information on the number of units assessing the risks associated with corruption. The Company does not have specific plans on this issue. | ||
GRI 205. Anti-corruption 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Business ethics and anti-corruption | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Business ethics and anti-corruption | |
205-3. Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | Business ethics and anti-corruption | |
Implementation of PJSC RusHydro Environmental Policy | ||
GRI 303. Water 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Environmental policy Results in the field of environmental protection | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Personnel policy | |
303-1. Water use by source | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
303-2. Water sources significantly affected by use of water | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
GRI 304. Biodiversity 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
304-1. Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
304-2. Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
304-3. Habitats protected or restored | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
304-4. IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
GRI 305. Emissions 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
305-1. Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
305-4. GHG emissions intensity | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
305-5. Reduction of GHG emissions | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
305-7. Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
GRI 306. Effluents and Waste 2016 | ||
GRI 103. Management Approach 2016 | ||
103-1. Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | Report information | |
103-2. The management approach and its components | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
103-3. Evaluation of the management approach | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
306-1. Water discharge by quality and destination | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
306-2. Waste by type and disposal method | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
306-4. Transport of hazardous waste | Results in the field of environmental protection | |
306-5. Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff | Results in the field of environmental protection |